How to join a Teams Meeting if I don't have a Microsoft Work Account

It’s easy to join a Microsoft Teams Meeting, even if you don’t have a Microsoft Work Account. The first thing you need to do is determine what kind of device you will use to attend the meeting. From there, just follow the instructions listed and demonstrated in the following section


Join using a mobile device

Applicable for any mobile device, such as: iPhone, iPad,
Android Phone, Android Tablet, Chromebook

1. You need to download the mobile version of the Microsoft Teams App. For Android users, download here. For iOS users download here.


2. Click on the meeting link the organizer sent to you.


 3. You will be brought to the meeting, key-in your name when prompted, wait to be admitted


Join using a computer

Applicable for any laptop or desktop computer such as: Windows based Computers, MacOS based Computers

1. Click on the meeting link the organizer sent to you


2. You have two options, use the browser or use the desktop app


• If you want to use the browser, just click “Continue on the browser” and key-in name when prompted and wait to be admitted to the lobby


 • If you want to use the teams desktop app, download it here. When you click on the link, you will be brought to the Microsoft Teams website. From there you’ll have the option to login using the desktop app, follow the instructions and wait to be admitted