DNA Core

Sample Required: Blood | Test Type: Genetic

Key Advantages

  • Tests for genetic variations covers 4 key areas (biological processes, weight management, nutrition, exercise)
  • Accurate and useful genetic results


DNACore brings together the information provided by the existing DNAHealth, DNA Diet and DNASport into one comprehensive and easy-to-understand report. As our genes never change, this report is a handy guide to weight management, exercise responsiveness, nutrient requirements, and biological processes.

The test covers 4 key areas.

  • Key biological processes impacting health and risk for disease including lipid metabolism, methylation, detoxification, inflammation and oxidative stress, insulin sensitivity, and bone health
  • Macro and micro-nutrient requirements based on genetic responsiveness, as well as risks for caffeine and salt sensitivities and gluten and lactose intolerances.
  • Weight management insights such as genetic obesity risk, snacking and eating behaviour, and circadian rhythms
  • Exercise responsiveness including exercise requirements for fat store mobilisation, endurance potential, cramping and injury risk, and recovery time 

DNACore is useful for anyone who wants to know the genetic foundations of their health challenges, to enable a more personalised intervention. The test provides tailor-made recommendations for the core components of any health strategy: weight management, exercise strategies, targeted diet and lifestyle interventions and appropriate nutraceuticals required to support and optimise everyday functioning. Implementing these core components allows for improved longevity and decreased risk of chronic disease.

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