Menopausal HRT and Cardiovascular Disease

By Clinical Consulting Team Co-written by our clinical experts Hilary Miller, ND, and Kelly Ruef, ND Heart disease is the leading cause of death in the United States and globally. During menopause when estrogen levels drop, a woman’s risk of cardiovascular disease increases. This is because estrogen provides a protective effect against heart disease in […]

Holistic Heart Health: Expanding Our Approach

The heart is perhaps the most articulated organ to be documented since ancient times. The ancient Egyptians famously stated that the human heart is the ledger of all good and bad deeds throughout a person’s life, which then determines their fate in the afterlife. Meanwhile, the Chinese philosophers referred to the heart as “the Supreme […]

Vitamin D and Cardiovascular Health

We feel a bit like a broken record over here, but vitamin D deficiency is an under-publicized epidemic. Lack of education about the importance of vitamin D, coupled with a culture that forces most people indoors during daylight hours has left about 50% of the global population vitamin D insufficient and 37% of adults in […]