How enzymes and bioflavonoids can help to support musculoskeletal health

Sarcopenia is a natural consequence of ageing, but losing muscle tissue is a major cause of functional decline and independence in older adults. Maintaining an age-appropriate fitness routine can help, but what do you do when clients shy away from exercise due to the discomfort it can cause?  The occasional pain that happens after exercise […]

How Enzymes Can Support Respiratory and Immune Health

You already know how enzymes help keep the digestive system healthy when taken at mealtime. But, when taken away from food on an empty stomach, some enzymes can work with the immune and respiratory systems to offer support. Get to know these enzymes! Proteolytic enzymes Proteolytic enzymes (proteases) break down proteins. Nearly all immune threats […]

Spotting the Difference: Animal vs. Plant vs. Fungal-Based Enzymes

Human beings naturally produce their own digestive enzymes in order to break down the foods we eat into smaller components so we can derive nutrition and energy. Additionally, some enzymes are naturally present in raw and unprocessed foods; however, today’s modern diet often strips these naturally occurring enzymes from the foods we eat. When looking […]

Serrapeptase and Nattokinase: Understanding the Differences

Enzymes play an essential role in thousands of chemical reactions responsible for growth, repair production, and metabolism. Digestive enzymes are well known and studied for supporting the breakdown of macronutrients into smaller molecules necessary for proper absorption. Systemic enzymes such as Serrapeptase and Nattokinase are necessary to support vital functions in the body and aid the body’s natural healing process. […]