Peer-Reviewed Estrogen Therapy Research in Menopause

Jaclyn Smeaton, ND November, 2023 Login to view this content.  [McMinnville, OR] – Precision Analytical, creators of the DUTCH Test and a leading specialty hormone testing lab, announces the publication of their latest study this month in the journal of the North American Menopause Society (NAMS), Menopause.    Original Study: Comparative estrogen exposure from compounded transdermal […]

4 Reasons to Love Quercetin

Kathi Head, ND November 28, 2023 Thorne has always been on the cutting edge of new flavonoid product introductions – including quercetin.   Quercetin – the what, where and how  What. Although it’s likely you’ve heard of quercetin supplements, you might not be familiar with what quercetin is and does. First some biochemistry – okay, just […]

Turning Back the Clock on Ageing- Senescent Cells and Old Age

Brent Bauer, M.D., Mayo Clinic March 31, 2021 There is no question that people are living longer. Between 2000 and 2015, the average global life span around the world increased by five years; although during that same time, the average “health span” only increased by 4.6 years. This means people are living longer but they […]