Benefits of Doing Nothing: The Default Mode Network

Quicksilver Scientific Education Team April 20, 2024 Beneath the surface of our daily actions lies a stream of spontaneous thoughts, memories, and emotions. Often, we need to ignore these spontaneous pieces of information to focus on the task at hand, such as our work, safely driving our car, or preparing a meal. However, a growing […]

The Skinny Shot – What You Need to Know

September, 2023 We’re sure you’ve heard of the trending weight loss peptide shots that are taking the world by storm and they are already being prescribed to overweight and high A1c patients. Also coined the ‘skinny shot’, these weekly peptide injections are lowering blood sugar and shedding pounds from celebrities and soccer moms alike. Although the […]

The Challenges Women Face with Intermittent Fasting and Keto Diets

September, 2023 If you haven’t heard of ‘going keto’ or been asked what your intermittent fasting (IF) ‘feeding window’ is, you probably aren’t reading this article. IF and the ketogenic or ‘keto’ diet are two dietary strategies that have gained momentum over the past decade – mainly due to the fact that they’re highly effective. However, […]

How to Choose a Quality Glutathione Supplement

September, 2023 It is well known that glutathione is the body’s most powerful antioxidant helping to safeguard the body from free radicals while supporting detoxification, immunity, anti-aging and more. But how do you know which glutathione supplement to select? DELIVERY OPTIONS OF SUPPLEMENTAL GLUTATHIONE For glutathione supplementation to be beneficial, it needs to get into cells […]

Signs Your Liver Needs a Detox

September, 2023 Supporting Your Precious Liver Every day, your liver saves your life. The second largest organ in your body (after the skin), your liver works tirelessly to keep you healthy—performing a?stunning array of tasks. This workhorse filters everything you eat and drink, helps usher toxins safely out of the body, regulates blood sugar levels, stores […]

4 Natural Ways To Support the Replenishment of NAD+ Levels

As we age, our DNA accrues damage. The fragile nucleic acids that structure DNA are highly sensitive to sunlight, inflammation, and other factors that come along with living life. Because of this, all organisms feature DNA repair machinery.1   That’s where NAD+ comes in. This industrious molecule is a repair crew, an energy maker, and a […]