Professional-Grade Supplements: What are they & why they ARE worth it

People take supplements to improve or optimize their health. So what happens when you look at the label, and the ingredient list is filled with unrecognizable additives? The number of supplements on the global market is overwhelming for consumers and even for medical professionals. On the one hand, more choices are beneficial; on the other […]

How Long Does It Take for Vitamins to Work?

So, you’ve decided to start supplementing with something new. Maybe it’s calcium because you’re concerned with bone density, maybe it’s methylfolate because you’ve heard of its mood-boosting capabilities. Maybe you’ve just switched to a new multivitamin formula. Now you’re paying attention to how your body feels every day, wondering when you will start to notice the benefits. How […]

Natural Solutions to Support Sleep

There’s no way around it; sleep deprivation can be overwhelming. It makes it harder to do anything, negatively affects your mood, and even can increase your cravings for sugar. But even further, sleep deprivation is associated with weight gain, immune system dysregulation, and increased risk for other health concerns. Sleep issues can mean you have […]

How to Choose a High-Quality Nutritional Supplement

Purchasing a supplement on your own can feel overwhelming. Whether at a store or online, you’re faced with what feels like hundreds of options with different ingredients, price points, and dosages. Food supplements can be powerful tools for your health, but it is mostly up to the individual supplement manufacturer to ensure quality and efficacy. […]

Why you should pay more attention to the additives used in your supplements

People take supplements to improve or optimize their health. So what happens when you look at the label, and the ingredient list is filled with unrecognizable additives? The truth is that not all supplements are created equal, and many consumers aren’t aware of the differences in quality.  Some supplement companies use unnecessary ingredients during the […]