Hormones & Metabolism Testing

Hormonal dysregulation can significantly impact an individual’s quality of life, from temperature fluctuations to energy and mood swings.
The following tests help to determine irregularities and make recommendations surrounding treatment options.

At The Forefront Of Nutrigenomics
The DNA Oestrogen Genetic Test panel tests for high-risk polymorphisms that have been shown to affect the metabolism of oestrogen and related compounds. This guides intervention strategies for carriers and supports informed decision-making surrounding the use of HRT, Oral Contraceptives, Bio-Identical supplementation and IVF.

Specialists in essential and toxic elemental testing
Saliva testing is an easy, reliable, and noninvasive way of assessing your patients’ hormone-balancing needs. Unlike conventional blood tests, saliva testing represents only the hormones actively delivered to receptors in the body.

Specialists in DUTCH (Dried Urine Testing for Comprehensive Hormones)
This advanced hormone test offers an extensive profile of sex and adrenal steroid hormones, along with their all-important metabolites. It includes the daily (diurnal) pattern of free cortisol, along with melatonin.
This test provides a comprehensive overview of hormones over a full menstrual cycle and provides more accurate readings than some salivary hormone testing.
SAMPLE TYPE: Urine & Saliva
This highly comprehensive combination of Precision Analytical’s DUTCH Cycle Mapping and DUTCH Plus tests includes the monthly patterns of Oestrogen and Progesterone metabolites, alongside a one-day sample for a detailed overview of the metabolites of Oestrogens, Androgens, Progesterone, Cortisol, Melatonin, Adrenaline, Noradrenaline and 8-OHdG, plus more.
SAMPLE TYPE: Urine & Saliva
A comprehensive assessment of the overall diurnal pattern of free cortisol plus the status and metabolism of progesterone, estrogen and androgens. This test also includes 10 Organic Acid Test markers including glutathione and melatonin.

Testing solutions for gut and brain health
The Comprehensive Thyroid Panel w/Antibodies & Reverse T3 Test measures thyroid gland activity, peripheral conversion of thyroid hormone, and thyroid autoantibodies.
Interested in Functional Testing?

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