Response to the latest Liggins Institute Fish Oil in Pregnancy Study

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FxMed Tech Support Team

At FxMed, we believe your clients are much safer consuming a high quality fish oil supplement that has guaranteed freshness and purity levels rather than consuming fish during pregnancy that is untested and unfiltered and most likely exposed to more oxygen than fish caught for manufacturing fish oil supplements.

Fish oil quality is paramount, and Nordic Naturals’ vertical integration ensures that they manage every step of the process from boat to bottle delivering the world’s safest, most effective omega oils. The result is exceptionally pure, fresh, and effective omega-3’s.

View Nordic Naturals Video below - True North: Boat to Bottle Journey

You would have seen or heard about the negative study on Fish Oil from the Auckland University based Liggins Institute that featured on TV3 Newshub. If you missed it, you can watch the video here.
NZ Listener also featured a negative article on the same study – you can access that below. 

Fortunately both Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI) and Natural Products NZ (NPNZ) were able to balance this second negative study, along with the Global Organisation for EPA and DHA (GOED).

MPI have issued a statement saying that there is no need for concern regarding fish oil as the study “was artificially oxidised to an extremely high level, far higher than that found in fish oil supplements currently on the market”.

GOED, the international Omega-3 organisation have also published some relevant (and supportive) comments, which you or your clients may find interesting.



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