Research Extracts: Ashwagandha & Stress | Olive Oil & the Elderly | and More

People take supplements to improve or optimize their health. So what happens when you look at the label, and the ingredient list is filled with unrecognizable additives? Welcome to the October 2022 issue of Research Extracts. “The Extracts” is designed to keep busy practitioners and savvy consumers up to date on the latest research on […]

Nutrition and Mood: Are you eating for mental health?

The holistic health community talks a lot about “mood-boosting” nutrients. In a few cases, the path to greater positivity may in fact be that simple, other times it is not. We want to talk about the scientific relationships between nutrition and mood. Is your mood healthy?  First of all, being happy all the time is […]

Back To Work Brain Blues

Saying goodbye to the sun, sea and freedom after a relaxing holiday drenched in wine and chocolate, may be a little depressing. There’s nothing like a dose of the post-holiday blues to make you wish you’d chucked it all in and opened that yoga school in the Mediterranean… Nevertheless, its back to the normal routine, […]

Improved wellness through self-care

Self-care is often the first thing that gets sacrificed when life is stressful, and people often think that taking time for themselves seems indulgent. But, looking after your own wellbeing will help you get through this challenging time, and will help you to better care for others. What is self-care? Self-care refers to the activities […]

Winter Blues or Depression?

All people, at some point, experience one or more of the symptoms of depression. It is normal for our moods to cycle moderately while we balance demands at work and at home, while coping with short- or long-term illness or when dealing with loss of a loved one. Mood fluctuations are more pronounced during the […]