Beyond the Fog: Navigating the Complexities of Long-COVID-19

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Article written by Michelle Clark, ND
Clinical Education Manager, FxMed

Published 1 June 2024

People take supplements to improve or optimize their health. So what happens when you look at the label, and the ingredient list is filled with unrecognizable additives?

Long-COVID-19 (LC) is a complex and often debilitating condition that affects millions of people worldwide. With over 200 different symptoms impacting multiple organ systems, LC presents a significant challenge to patients and health practitioners alike.

Recent estimates suggest that approximately 10% of all COVID cases transition to LC, equating to over 65 million people globally, with an estimated 260,000 cases in New Zealand and 1.2 million in Australia. The impact on patients’ lives is profound, with 3–18% of people with LC reporting an inability to return to work at 12-month follow-up, leading to a substantial burden on families, healthcare systems and the workforce.

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